Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region Maxim Chekusov held a business meeting with a delegation from Mongolia. It was about the export of Omsk grain: food wheat and fodder barley to Mongolia and the import of meat from this state to the region.

- This year, due to the drought, Mongolia has lost most of its crop. We received 3-4 centners per hectare, instead of 15-16. Now we lack 100-120 thousand tons of grain. We are very interested in cooperation with the Omsk region,” said the head of the Mongolian delegation Batsukh Lkhagvaa.

It should be noted that the farmers of the region already have some experience of cooperation with Mongolia in terms of seed production and agricultural engineering. This country tested Omsk-bred wheat and seeders produced by enterprises in the region on its fields. Batsuh Lhagwaa praised both.

In turn, Mongolia offers meat to the Omsk region. An interesting fact is that the population of this country is about 3 million people, while there are about 65 million heads of livestock there. Note that the Mongols are already exporting meat to other regions of Russia.

At a business meeting, the parties discussed product quality, prices, transportation costs and much more. In the future, a cooperation agreement will be signed with Mongolia.

Portal of the Government of the Omsk Region

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