In the near future, Russia may be able to export grain from the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region to China. In the course of fruitful negotiations, Russia and China were able to develop and agree on joint protocols regarding the supply of rapeseed, soybeans, corn and wheat. Now it remains only to sign the Russian-Chinese memorandum on exports to China. This important event is scheduled, according to Rosselkhoznadzor, for December.

The current negotiations were the final stage of the visit of Chinese experts to Russia, who assessed the phytosanitary risks associated with the possible export of Russian grain and its processed products to Chinese consumers.

A press release sent out by Rosselkhoznadzor notes that the Chinese side is grateful to this agency in every possible way for organizing the visit. During the inspection, the experts were able to visit the offices and laboratories of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai, Novosibirsk Region. In addition, the Chinese also visited the manufacturing enterprises themselves. Those who wish to supply their products to China.

The Chinese side will send the final results to Russia after the inspectors return to China.

FBA "Economy Today"

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