Because of the drought, the republic was practically left without its own seeds. Affected farmers are waiting for help.

Not a single calm year - except for 2012. Nature does not allow Buryat farmers to relax. There has not been such a drought as the current one for 30 years. The sun burned most of the fields. Instead of last year's 80,000 tons of grain, only 20,000 tons were harvested. It was possible to partially preserve the crop only in those areas where the irrigation system was reconstructed. The federal budget allocated more than 26 million rubles to Buryatmeliovodkhoz for this.

Dagdanova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Buryatia: Their task is to reconstruct the main system, the main channels, the rest is taken over by the agricultural producer, that is, if in Soviet times everything was done by the state, now for a specific agricultural producer. The seed fund for this summer is practically lost. Buryatia is going to buy grain from Altai, Khabarovsk and Irkutsk regions. And if this money can be compensated, no assistance from the center is allocated for livestock feed. At the last session of the Khural, it was decided to help farmers with their own funds. More than 80 million will be allocated to feed the breeding stock. So far, the lists of farms to which the funds will reach are being specified. Meanwhile, insurance could cover the expenses. If not for one "but".

Yulia Dagdanova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Buryatia: All insurance companies simply refused to insure Buryatia. They have already seen a negative trend over the past three years, they understand that they are getting paid, so this is the situation we have this year. Agricultural producers were ready to insure. The federal budget will again come to the aid of large farmers. Of the 14 regions of the country, only two - Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory - will receive compensation for losses. More than 320 million rubles will be sent to our republic. Now the agreement on the allocation of these funds is at the signing stage. By the end of the year, farmers should already receive state support, more than 120 farms will receive it.

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