For 17 years, AltaiAgroSoyuz LLC has been making wholesale deliveries of grain crops. Multiple processing and proper storage of raw materials allows you to preserve the useful qualities of grain. High-quality pearl barley is now in great demand, which can be bought in bulk at a profit.

Features of pearl barley

Many now have a somewhat contemptuous attitude towards pearl barley. It is considered food for soldiers or tourists. However, earlier it was intended only for the royal elite. And the name of the cereal came from the consonant name of pearls in Ancient Rus'.

Pearl groats are obtained from barley grains by processing and additional grinding to minimize the time spent on cooking.

At the moment, pearl barley is purchased by large food processing plants for the production of hot soups or crumbly porridge. It is best to use pearl barley immediately after cooking, before it loses its taste.

Useful properties of pearl barley

Rules for storing pearl barley

Whole barley grain can be stored for several years, while crushed cereals - no longer than 3 months. To store pearl barley, it is better to choose a dark, cool room, additionally respecting protection from moisture. It can be either a package or a plastic container or a tin can. Storage rules must be observed in order to avoid the loss of useful properties.

How to buy pearl barley in bulk?

AltaiAgroSoyuz LLC supplies pearl barley to all regions of Russia. Here you can buy pearl barley in bulk at the best prices. The quality of products is confirmed by certificates, and special offers are provided for regular customers.

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